Sexy Brain Strategies: 4 Simple Steps to a Sexy Brain Makeover academyofbrainbliss brainbliss dolphins energymedicine frequencies globalbliss greatcentralsun lyranlotus lyrans mahaliamichael mermaidia ptsdrecovery scalarenergy soundhealing whales Jul 04, 2024

4 Simple Steps to a Sexy Brain Makeover

Embark on a transformative journey to enhance your brain's power and manifest your dreams. Dive into the sacred wisdom of Brain Bliss and give yourself a Brain Bliss makeover that ignites your inner radiance.

Welcome, fellow seekers of inner radiance...

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5 Tips for Brain Bliss bliss bones brain brainbliss grief health heart light longevity neuroplasticity sound sound healing trauma Jan 15, 2021

There are millions of people per year in the North America alone who experience undiagnosed trauma.  Often times, trauma whether it is emotional, physical, spiritual and or sexual that is not treated properly leads to post traumatic stress disorder which has a long list of debilitating...

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We Are Music ayahuasqua brain brain bliss brainbliss light melody music shamans sing sound soundwalkcollective Jan 15, 2021

Grab onto your icaros people!  Here is another powerful confirmation that we are music .. a message from #‎soundwalkcollective ..

“In their visions, ayahuasca shamans say they see the essences that animate living beings, the first property of which is to emit melodies.


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Sound Freedom bliss brain brainbliss health light nervous system primal sound trauma wellness Jan 15, 2021

Often times when trauma occurs, people do not know how to release the shock and pain, or they deny it and it can get stuck, for years. We also have not been given permission up until now to make sound or noise to express our suffering. This however is a normal practice with animals in nature who...

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No More Hallucinations bliss brain brain-bliss brainbliss chemical concussion energy fog freedom hallucinations healing health light mahalia mahalia michael miracle remote reverend sound trauma visions Jan 15, 2021

“Mahalia Michael has produced magical miracles in her ‘Brain-Bliss’ work with me recently and a couple of years ago when I needed help overcoming a concussion!
Last week I was suffering from hallucinations due to a chemical medication imbalance and she helped align and tune my...

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